Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Video Response

The most important thing I learned about using technology with young students is that technology offers many different uses and benefits for teachers and students. Before, I didn't really think that I would want to use a lot of technology with young kids but this helped me to see some easy ways to implement it and enhance student learning. Even something as simple as a disposable camera can be used to help students become engaged in their own learning and become excited about any topic. Technology helps the class to be able to communicate with other classrooms. I liked in the “I love Spiders” video that the class was sharing their pictures and information with a classroom in another state. That helps the students to get a broad view of a topic and it helps them to become excited about the subject. Just giving students exposure to technology will be a great benefit to them. Young children are naturally curious and by giving them access to a computer they will explore and learn new things. I thought it was a great idea to do a whole class slideshow or movie where each student does a page and contributes some how. It is important to teach students how to research online and inform them about copyright. It would be a good idea for the teacher to find specific websites for student use that will not infringe on copyright laws. The use of technology is increasing everyday and it is vital that we expose students to technology at a young age so they can become comfortable using it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Initial Observation of Technology

There is a pretty good amount of technology available to the classroom I am working in. There is a TV and VCR, 4 mac computers for student use, a macbook for the teacher, a CD player, and a Promethean board in the classroom for use. Each of the computers is equipped with Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, and Word, as well as with some games for the students to play. The class also has access to mac carts that the teacher can sign up for. My mentor teacher has the computers come in at least once a week. A DVD player,projector, digital camera and video camera are also available for the teacher to checkout. The two main technologies that my teacher uses everyday are her microphone that she wears around her neck and the Promethean board.

I completed the midcourse evaluation and consent form.