Friday, October 2, 2009

Civil War Virtual Tour Outline

Location Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content
1. Fort Sumter
Look at the pictures and watch the video about Fort Sumter.
Research using Google the names of the generals involved in both the Union and the South.

Gigapxl Photo

2.Bull Run (Manassas)
Research using Google which states were part of the Union and which states were part of the Confederacy. Compare the numbers.

Gigapxl Photo

3. Battle of Vicksburg
Research using Google how long the Battle of Vicksburg lasted and which side won.

Gigapxl Photo

4. Gettysburg
Research using Google how many casualties there were at Gettysburg.

Gigapxl Photo

Location Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content
5. Lincoln Memorial
Watch a video of the Gettysburg Address . Research on Google the date of when Gettysburg was fought and the date that the Gettysburg Address was given.

Gigapxl Photo

6. Battle of Atlanta
Research using Google the name of the Union general and how many miles of the South he burned on his way to Atlanta.

Gigapxl Photo

7. Appomattox Court House
(Lee's Surrender)
Research using Google what date Lee surrendered to the Union Army and how his army surrendered.

Gigapxl Photo

8. Arlington Cemetary
Research using Google how many estimated casualties in total for the Civil War and compare that number to how many casualties for the Battle at Gettysburg.

Gigapxl Photo

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